September 12, 2008

  • Little update

    Dear Kristen,

    Just remembered that I've not updated your achievements for a while now. It's not because there's nothing to write, but just too many to remember.

    Now that you're about 25 months old... here are some of the new (and not so new) things that you are able to do.

    1. If we're watching a DVD and we're done, you would, first, take out the DVD (amidst Grandpa's objections that you're destroying the DVD and the DVD player) and turn off the TV. If we're watching the cable, you would turn off the modem box too - and you know to look out for the red light to show that it's turned of.
    2. Your repertoire of songs that you are able to sing from start to end (although softly, but oh so cutely) includes: Happy Birthday, Incy Wincy Spider, The Wheels on the Bus, I Love You (Barney's version), Skina-marinky Dinky Dink, Old MacDonalds, Hickory Dickory, ABC, Twinkle Twinkle, and there must be a few more songs I can't think of right now.
    3. You're able to identify colours like yellow, red, green, black, white, orange, blue. BUT! Although you know what purple is... you also identify pink as purple. Haha... Ya, it's a little harder to differentiate certain colours. Wait till we get to turquoise, aquamarine, navy and bright blue.
    4. You can count from one to twenty. Although I think it's mainly from memorising as you walk up the stairs and count, or point at pictures to count, it is really cute to hear you count out loud.
    5. When we're out, you're more able to hold our hands and walk now. It feels so nice to feel your tiny hands gripping to my own hand. Previously, you did not get the concept of holding hands and would run amok. Now, you are able to control yourself a little more and hold on to my hands as we walk.
    6. You can spell your name. How old is Kristen? KAY-AH-EYE-EHH-EE-EE-ENNNNN! And how old are you? Two years old.
    7. You know your food and drinks. Carrot, mushroom, corn, rice, apple, orange, pear, strawberry, watermelon, banana, potato, tomato, bread, pineapple, biscuit, cracker, cereal, milk, apple juice, water, egg, yakult, yoghurt,... list goes on but we must not forget the greatest love of all. Ice-cream.
    8. You know your family members. You can even identify things that belong to them. "Grandma shoes", "Grandpa car", "Ko-ko room", "Uncle Chair", "Mummy bag" and even activities that they are doing... "Daddy drive car!", "Mummy take bath".
    9. You are one observant kid. If we're out at night, and you spot the tiny blinking and moving light in the sky... you will shout out "Airplane!". Just tonight when we were out for dinner at the Chinese Swimming Club. You saw a clock in the distance (outside of the restaurant and a great distance away), you called out the clock of course. Mummy was a little confused at first but after looking hard, yes the clock was there.
    10. You are able to sit through story books now. Ooo... this is one of the most exciting developments for Mummy. I love to read and I'm just so happy that you're starting to pick it up too! Previously, you would turn the pages haphazardly or just wander away when you're too bored. Now, you would sit next to me or on my lap, and pay attention while I read. It helps that your vocab has increased vastly so you're able to point out pictures and say some of the words while I read. Some of the books we're reading now include "Goodnight Moon" (this book calmed you down alot when you were crying very badly one day. Need to go buy this book soon! We just returned it to the library), "The Going to Bed Book", "Miss Polly had a Dolly" and the body part book range by Dr Seuss (The Eye Book, The Nose Book, the Ear Book) that belongs to your Koko, Mummy dug them out from a cupboard at the TV room. Hehe. Time to get more and more books!!
    11. Although not entirely accurate and a total stereotype (as highlighted kindly by Auntie Mel and Auntie Lumein over lunch last Sunday), you know that a Rabbit eats Carrot (and they eat rabbit food too and lettuce), Giraffe has a long Neck (and a long purple tongue), and Monkey eats Banana (... and lice....).
    12. You can feed yourself. Yes, you're steady with the fork and spoon now. You're able to scoop food and soup with your spoon. It's a little messy sometimes, but mostly, you're able to get the food into your mouth!

    Well, there's more that I missed, definitely. You're growing so fast already... And learning so fast too. Must definitely watch our actions and words now as you're mimicking us alot too!

    Lots of Love,       