January 6, 2009

  • 2nd and 3rd Day of School

    Dear Kristen,

    I suspect that you enjoy school.

    5 January 2008, Monday
    Day 2 of School:

    We had to wake you up! You were sound asleep in Grandma's bed and although we felt bad, we didn't want you to be late for school. You seemed excited enough about going to school. But with your new 'big girl' phase, you want to do everything yourself which costs us precious minutes. You insist that you must press the lift button. No one to help you and no one can do it for you. You insist on walking on the pavement towards the car by yourself. No holding hands. You insist on getting into the car yourself. No help from anyone, no push on your bum. You insist on walking to the school lift by yourself from the car. Very dilly-dally.

    When we finally get you into the classroom and put your water bottle down on the shelf with you, you spot a boy and a teacher playing with the bead chasers and you run off, leaving Mummy and Daddy to place your schoolbag with the other schoolbags for you. Mummy goes over to say bye and a kiss for you but you ignore. Bo-hiu is the word. You're just more focused on playing with the toy and your classmate. All except a couple of parents are in the class, so we walk out and sneak glances at you from outside the door which has a window. You seemed so well adjusted. When the teacher was doing some actions you followed, you sat down right in front of the class and were very attentive. Mummy had to rush off after awhile to get some work done. But Daddy stayed and he said that you were very good and when Teacher Linda read "Spot Goes to School", which you have at home as well, you stood up and pointed at the book and blocked the whole class. You make me so proud.

    Daddy followed you on the bus back and Mummy met you back at the house. You seemed so nonchalant about the whole thing. Didn't rush to give Mummy a big hug or anything. Just walked like a big girl, head held up high, and headed towards Rex to give him a pat. But when Mummy was busy praising you, I spotted a glimpse of a smile.

    6 January 2008, Tuesday
    Day 3 of School:

    It was so hard to wake you up! You slept in Grandma's bed again and it was just too comfortable. When Mummy poked you a couple of times you kept saying "No... No...". Daddy succeeded in waking you up. Haha. He has the ability to be more annoying. I know.

    Almost late again! Arrived at 9... or maybe even slightly after because the door was closed when we were there. There were a couple of children crying when we arrived. We noticed that no parents were in the classroom this time around. So we quickly put your waterbottle and bag down together. You stared at one of the children crying and you asked me "What's that?" I told you the name of your classmate and you told me "crying". I guess I gave the wrong answer to the question.

    You spotted a book at a desk at the other side of the classroom, walked over, touched the book and never looked back. I walked over to give you a quick kiss and a hug but you barely acknowledged it. I tried to tell you that you would be taking the bus by yourself but you didn't seem to notice. We walked out of the classroom and we turned to see that you were pulling the chair up for yourself and started reading the book. Aww...

    Mummy had to drive Daddy to the MRT and when I got back to school, I saw that all the parents were waiting downstairs already and no longer peering outside the classroom. I went to peek into the classroom anyway and you seemed fine. You were sitting down and listening to the teacher. So I went down to hang out with the other parents. Quite and interesting bunch... talking about property and filthy rich PRCs.

    After deciding that you should be fine on the bus, I spoke to the bus-ladies that you would be sitting on the bus on your own for the first time. So I reminded them to keep an extra eye out for you. As the teachers brought you down to take the bus, I hid behind a stack of chairs to see you. You were holding the teacher's hand and holding a piece of your art-and-craft work which was a small hand on a stick. You seemed to be looking around for someone, but you didn't look too sure either. The teacher placed your handiwork into your bag and lifted you into the bus. Your classmate, Megan's mummy was on the bus, and she told me that you were fine when I peered in after you had gotten onto the bus.

    When you reached home, you were totally fine! Mummy brought Cece (your dolly) out to meet you and you gave Cece and Mummy a huge hug after waving bye-bye to the bus. It is amazing how fast you've grown... Can't imagine that you have reached the point where you are able to understand what I tell you and be so independent.

    In the afternoon, for a treat, I brought you to Explorer Kids at Downtown East, had lunch at Hong Kong Cafe, went for a Ferris Wheel ride and more action again at Explorer Kids. You had so much fun that even when we reached home, you refused to sleep.

    And now, you're so tired finally after dinner that you're asleep by 9.30. I hope that means that you will be up early tomorrow... because tomorrow, school starts at 8.15am.
